Central Metal Fabricators Inc.
Since 1980, Central Metal Fabricators, Inc. has provided innovative design, fabrication, and assembly services to a diverse range of industries. We stock over 800 different parts, and have the documentation to manufacture thousands more.
CMF’s core team is its most valuable asset.
Obsolete and Legacy Parts
Using its expert design and manufacturing services, CMF also engineers replacement parts for defective designs and obsolete parts. Reverse engineering available.
Industry Leading Quality Assurance
Rather than waiting for problems to reveal opportunities for improvement, CMF management continually seeks to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the processes of our Company. CMF has a process in place to identify and manage improvement activities. This process is partially based of results from the following:
>Our Quality Policy implementation
>Our Quality Objectives
>Audit results
>Analysis of data
>Corrective actions
>Risk and opportunity considerations
>Management Review